Today marks the start of the fall season in many parts of the country. Even though most of us are not farmers by trade, we can sense the abundance of harvest time during this season.
As we continue to work on being our best for those we care about most at home, work and in the community, harvest time in the fall season helps to remind us of an important truth that we have a tendency to forget during the seasons of life. The fall season and the harvest time remind us of the one basic natural laws that most directly translates into a relevant, practical, and universal truth necessary to accomplish our hopes and dreams: The Law of the Harvest; simply, you reap what you sow.
The Law of the Harvest is the simplest and most powerful life-transforming principle. Ironically, we need a consistent, steady reminder of its simplicity and truth during the twists and turns of our life’s journey.
The Law of the Harvest, in the natural world, is as true as the law of gravity. If you want to reap an abundant harvest of corn or soybeans in the fall, there is only one pathway to follow: The Law of the Harvest. If we asked any farmer 2,000 years ago or one today in the fields of Iowa, we would get the same general response. There are no shortcuts to an abundant harvest. We must spend time in the winter to make a plan and prepare to implement when the spring comes. In the spring, we must prepare the ground and plant the seed. In addition, throughout the spring and summer, we must cultivate the fields through a long growing season. Then, and only then, will we reap an abundant harvest in the fall.
There is no way to take a short cut. We cannot vacation in the spring and summer and then jam an entire growing season into September. No matter how much financial wealth we may possess, there is no way to pay for the “Speed Pass” lane on the farm and there is no “Easy” button. The natural Law of the Harvest will always be our judge. Just like the law of gravity governs our eventual return to the ground no matter how high we jump, the Law of the Harvest governs our ability to produce our most essential food sources for life and it governs our ability to accomplish our most personal hopes and dreams.
If we want healthy relationships with those closest to us, the Law of the Harvest will be our judge. Are we vacationing all spring and summer with the expectation that relationships will be fine when tough times hit (friendly reminder…the tough times will hit)? Or are we doing the hard work today that looks like sacrifice, selfless service, and the humility to listen and learn?
In the most important areas of our lives, it is time to ask a most direct question, “Are we preparing to reap an Abundant Harvest?”
I hope we can all use the fall season as a moment of support and encouragement to apply the law of the harvest to achieve our hopes and dreams. As we become intentional about living according to the Law of the Harvest, we will build and strengthen our character, and Character Creates Opportunity to achieve our hopes and dreams no matter what our present situation.
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